Hackity Hack Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self
Tuesday, Oct 23 3:00 - 3:45
Presented by Mark WhittakerAs the demands of our institutions and complexity of our sites increases, the difficulty of securing our web environment increases as well. Many institutions have dedicated information security staff, but they are busy with an always growing threat landscape and it’s easy for web to slip through the cracks. We can hack our own sites using free tools, such as Kali Linux and Mutillidae, to discover existing vulnerabilities – and fix them! After this session you should be able to get started on the path towards learning how to hack your site before the bad guys get there first, with permission from IT Security, of course.
Mark Whittaker
Sr. Web DeveloperMark Whittaker has been a web developer for Southern Utah University since 2015. As the Sr. Web Developer, he has developed many of the university's web applications and is always looking for another way to modify their instance of Cascade. Whittaker has previously worked on Mayo Clinic's technical vulnerability assessment team and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in information security.