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Room 306

Web-based Data-sharing Building Blocks for Researchers and Research Projects

Tuesday, Oct 23 4:15 - 5:00

Presented by Amit Chourasia

The need for rapid data access and data sharing has become central with the rise of collaborative research in many disciplines. While several commodity file sharing products are available for general use, they are not well suited for research data, as they primarily rely on manual user interfaces to add or remove a few shared files, this is not practical for sharing large numbers of science data files, like those generated during and after computation. Instead, automated and scriptable mechanisms are required that can integrate into computation workflows to post files during and after computation jobs. Furthermore scientific data often requires support for collaborative discussion of research results, quick rough-draft visualizations to analyze the data, and support for metadata and descriptive information that can record job and compute platform characteristics, input data, job parameters, job completion status, and other provenance information.

In this talk I will present and discuss capabilities of the SeedMe2 project (Stream, Encode, Explore and Disseminate My Experiments) which aims to offer web based scientific data-sharing and data management platform that cater to the unique needs of researchers and fill an important gap in Research Cyberinfrastructure. The platform is built on Drupal 8. We welcome interested folks to try, explore and configure your own data sharing website at http://try.seedme.org

Attendees will learn how a popular and well used content management system can be used transformed to support data sharing and data management for research and general purposes.



Amit Chourasia

Sr. Visualization Scientist

Amit Chourasia is a Sr. Visualization Scientist at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego where he leads the Visualization Group. His work is focused on leading the research, development and application of software tools and techniques for visualization. Result and data sharing are also at a forefront of his interests; to this end his team has developed a web based cloud infrastructure to enable this important and at times critical gap in scientific process via the SeedMe1 & 2 projects.