Redesigning for the Widening Web
Tuesday, Oct 23 10:45 - 11:30
Presented by Matt CyrWith increasing adoption of CRMs, marketing automation solutions and other technologies, the higher education digital landscape is more complex than ever. If you’re ready to redesign your institution’s website, you must think about it in the context of your whole digital ecosystem or you redesign is doomed to fail.
Matt Cyr
VP, Strategic PracticesMatt Cyr is the VP of Strategic Practices at Primacy. He serves as the agency’s Practice Lead for Higher Education, where he works with colleges and universities around the country to meet their organizational and business objectives. Matt has expertise in strategic marketing and communications, content strategy and development, personalization, brand management, and website implementation. Prior to joining Primacy, Matt was responsible for Digital Marketing at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., and Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies in Boston.