Performance Still Matters
Tuesday, Oct 23 3:00 - 3:45
Presented by Erik RunyonInternet speeds continue to increase across the country. Places that were once Edge network now enjoy LTE, and our devices are becoming even more capable of handling complex sites. However, the average sizes of websites are doing their best to outpace those improvements. So why is web performance getting short shrift, even when Google has started putting an emphasis on speed in its search rankings?
When Notre Dame kicked off our first homepage redesign since 2012, performance was at the top of our list. During this presentation we’ll cover the steps and considerations we went through to make sure our site is as performant as possible, and ideally, even faster than our 2012 version. We will also look at some of higher-eds worst mobile performers and (kindly) provide tips to increase their overall speed.
Erik Runyon
Technical DirectorErik Runyon, Technical Director for Marketing Communications at the University of Notre Dame, has been developing websites for fun and profit since 1995, and joined the university in 2007. Erik enjoys chatting and writing about web performance, accessibility, the mobile web, and RWD.