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103AB, Wisconsin Center

Let Your Students Do The Talking

Monday, Oct 14 8:30 - 9:15

Presented by Jay Watson

Prospective students want to hear from you. Well, not you exactly — they want to hear from students at your school. In this session, learn how Vanderbilt puts student voices at the center of web and social content, and how your institution can too. Jay, Senior Communications Manager at Vanderbilt Office of Undergraduate Admissions, will lead you step by step. You’ll leave with:
• An understanding of how to use site analytics to learn what your prospects want to know
• An inside look at how Vanderbilt uses Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, Google Hangouts, and other platforms for student content (and how to pick what’s right for your institution)
• Concrete ways to differentiate your school by showcasing authentic student-generated content unique to your school
• A checklist for identifying the students on your campus who are probably already generating content that you can use
• Strategies to ensure that student-generated content meets your institutional standards
• An unbelievably easy three-step process to get a plan up and running in a week



Jay Watson

Senior Communications Manager

Jay Watson manages web, social media, and email communication strategy as the Senior Communications Manager for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at Vanderbilt University. In more than 15 years working in higher education, Watson has served in various roles, including as an instructor for Duke University’s Talent Identification Program, where he taught courses in architecture and even led a popular weekend course on the intersection of baseball and American culture. Watson also served as Senior Program Coordinator for Vanderbilt’s Programs for Talented Youth, where he recruited and trained faculty and staff and also launched the office’s web and social media offerings. When he’s not in his digital workspace, Watson enjoys his analog pastimes of mixing classic cocktails and playing vintage base ball (but not at the same time).