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Ballroom B Foyer, Wisconsin Center

Roll Your Own Campus Maps with MapBox and OpenStreetMaps

Monday, Oct 14 10:15 - 11:30

Presented by Michael Osadciw

While we have great printed maps at the University of Rochester, for a long time our online map capability was a mixed bag of a neglected Google Maps implementation and PDFs of the printed maps. With mobile at the forefront we needed something more robust and mobile friendly, and yet easy enough to update to work with our ever-growing campuses. OpenStreetMaps (OSM) allowed us to update and detail the maps of our campus when and how we needed to, eliminating Google Maps long approval times and questionable results. Combining this with MapBox allowed us to take all of the data we added to OSM and style it and present it in the way we wanted, and do it in-house. The presentation will detail the steps taken, skills and technology used, and the pros and cons of this method to create the more useful map implementation the University has today. Speakers will include the team responsible for the design and implementation of this system.



Michael Osadciw

Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Michael Osadciw has 25 years of design and illustration experience and has been a graphic designer and illustrator at the University of Rochester for 19 years. One of Michael's ongoing responsibilities in this position is maintaining the University's official printed maps, which led him to lead the redesign of the online version. Michael has been involved in the full gamut of design related activity that one would typically find at a University as well as producing scientific illustrations for many faculty research projects. Michael was also a freelance sci-fi illustrator and currently is a full time Geek Dad. Fun fact: in my previous life working for Wizards of the Coast, I was on the team running Gen Con, the largest hobby gaming convention in the US, and the last Gen Con I helped with was the very first event held at this convention center. I've waited a long time to "Push to Polka" again.