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103C, Wisconsin Center

A Gentle Introduction to Web UI Programming with React

Sunday, Oct 13 1:00 - 4:30

Presented by Jason Woodward

Are you building out interactive sections of your Web site with jQuery or plain JavaScript, but finding it difficult to manage the various states the user interface can be in and the transitions between states? React makes it easy to represent these states in your code as a series of templates which, given a set of current data, describe what the user should be presented. React then does the hard work of managing changes to the DOM to change what the user is presented as the user provides input and as the underlying data changes. In this workshop we’ll do a bit of lecturing on the theory of operation of React, then we’ll add a small React application to an existing Web page, keeping an eye on making sure it stays accessible. This in a hands-on, interactive format designed to not leave you behind half way through.


Jason Woodward

Consulting Programmer

Jason Woodward is a Consulting Programmer for Cornell University and is Principal at State & Plain. He has been a professional web developer since 1996. He prefers to approach problems from a systems thinking and data modeling perspective, which is constantly at odds with his get-it-done urges. He holds a B.S. and M.Eng in computer science from Cornell University, which can probably be blamed for all that.