Mischief Managed: A Campus Map With All The Data
Monday, Oct 14 10:15 - 11:30
Presented by Megan Ross and Alex HughesCampus maps serve many audiences: students want to find classes, computer labs, and learning centers. They need banking, shopping, buses, and shuttles off campus. Parents want to find a campus tour or their kid’s residence hall. The community wants to attend lectures and performances and access your public library. Everyone needs PARKING!! Building entrance ramps, elevators, emergency phones, and all-gender bathrooms. 360 photos and video. And the best outdoor recreation options in the state. There is so much data! Done right, your campus map becomes more than just a map—it becomes an awesome recruitment tool.
Michigan Tech recently switched from a homegrown map system to one hosted by Concept3D. A campus map should serve a variety of audiences, should be used as a recruitment tool, and should work on all devices and platforms. Deciding what data to prioritize and display, however, can be a nightmare. Learn how Michigan Tech migrated from a homegrown campus map system to a vendor hosted option. We will share data points, features, and strategies for creating an awesome campus map that will leave you inspired.
Megan Ross
Digital Services CoordinatorMegan Ross is the Digital Services Coordinator within University Marketing and Communications (UMC) at Michigan Technological University. She manages logistics for UMC's studio and web teams. Ross has a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and Management. She creates documentation and trains users of Michigan Tech's Content Management System, events calendar, and blogs systems. She manages customer relations, the Digital Services student team, and maintenance of all our digital properties.
Alex Hughes
Digital Services Technical ManagerAlex Hughes is the Digital Services Technical Manager within University Marketing and Communications (UMC) at Michigan Technological University. He oversees Digital Services technical staff and students. Hughes has a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems. Specializing in backend programming, Hughes manages Michigan Tech's Content Management System, events calendar, and blogs systems, and creates unique programming solutions to support Michigan Tech's reputation and recruitment initiatives.