Corporate Partner Program

Showcase your brand year-round to the #DigiCol community

2024 Corporate Partner Beacon connects with a first-time annual conference attendee

The Digital Collegium corporate partner program provides year-round exposure and networking across a range of member touchpoints, including recognition at our conferences, summits and more.

These partnerships are a great opportunity for your business to build your brand within the higher education digital space.

To customize your partnership or learn more, email

Demonstrate your commitment to the higher education digital market.

Improve visibility and recognition at Digital Collegium events.

Reach our community through a variety of marketing activities.

Digital Collegium corporate partnerships run from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2025. Registration for the 2025 program is now closed.

Event benefits

Each partner receives two events + the Annual Conference at their sponsorship level.

Event or benefitSupporting partner
(Sold out)
Silver partner
(Sold out)
Gold partner
(Sold out)
Platinum partner
(Sold out)
Analytics & AI Summit (online)Partner sponsorship Silver sponsorship Gold sponsorship Choice of sponsorship at two events and partner recognition at all others:
  • Summit platinum level.Regional conference presenting sponsor.
Accessibility Summit (online)Partner recognitionSilver sponsorship Gold sponsorship
Regional conferences (in person)Partner recognitionPartner recognitionPartner recognition
Annual conference
Partner sponsorship + complimentary poster sessionSilver sponsorship + additional complimentary registrationGold sponsorship + complimentary snack sponsorship add-onPlatinum sponsorship + complimentary meal sponsorship add-on
Leadership AcademyPartner recognitionPartner recognitionPartner recognitionPremier partner
Pre-sale opportunity to purchase presenting sponsorships at regional conferences
Advance notice of new sponsorship opportunitiesFourthThirdSecondFirst
Discount on sponsorship add-ons10%10%20%25%

Communications benefits

BenefitSupporting partner
(3 available)
Silver partner
(3 available)
Gold partner
(Sold out)
Platinum partner
(Sold out)
Recognition in the Digital Collegium monthly newsletter
Year-round exposure (logo and link) on Digital Collegium website
Dedicated Slack channel in the Digital Collegium Slack community
One custom communication written and provided by sponsorEmail to opt-in members sent by Digital Collegium or Link Journal article
Announcement of partnership on Digital Collegium social channels


BenefitSupporting partner
(3 available)
Silver partner
(3 available)
Gold partner
(Sold out)
Platinum partner
(Sold out)
Individual affiliate Digital Collegium membership for employee(s)1234

Single event packages

Individual event sponsorships may include additional benefits beyond what is listed above. You may also add additional benefits or packages for each event at an additional cost.