Budget Committee



The Budget Committee assists in the creation and adoption of the Association annual budget.


This committee reports directly to the board of directors. The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority.


  • The treasurer shall chair the committee.
  • The executive director shall serve as staff to the committee.
  • The chairs of the following committees shall serve as a members of the committee:
    • Sponsorship Committee
    • Educational Events Committee
    • Membership Committee
  • The board shall appoint other committee members. The majority of members must be directors.
  • The committee may include non-director persons whose experience in accounting, finance or business may assist the committee and the board in the performance of their financial oversight responsibilities. The committee chair will follow the volunteer recruitment process and recommend non-director members to the board for appointment.


  • Robert Heyser, chair
  • Sara Clark, executive director
  • Kathleen Callahan, Sponsorship Committee chair
  • Joshua Charles, Educational Events Committee chair
  • Janice Cheng
  • Mark Nakamura


  • Ensure that the process of planning for and preparing the annual operating budget is documented, reviewed and updated as needed.
  • Publish standardized budget request template for committee use.
  • Establish and maintain an annual budget planning process as follows:
    • May:
      • Call opens for budget requests from Association stakeholders.
      • Seek additional information from requestors as needed.
    • June-July:
      • Close call for budget requests mid-June.
      • Seek additional information from requestors as needed.
      • Complete evaluation rubric for requests.
      • Review requests and provide the executive director a list of budget items to be funded.
    • August-October:
      • Review draft budget proposed by staff.
      • Refine budget by collaboratively prioritizing requests based on alignment with the Association’s mission, strategic plan and financial estimates.
      • Taking into account staff feedback, anticipated revenue, base operating expenses, requested expenditures and overall financial goals, propose a draft budget.
      • Document requests not funded in budget with rationale for decision for suggested exclusion.
      • Send the draft budget to the Finance Committee, and solicit feedback and field questions, suggestions, etc.
    • November:
      • Coordinate with the Finance Committee to submit a budget, along with documentation for what’s not funded to the Board for approval.


  • Meets no fewer than four times per year, at the call of the chair of the committee or the executive director.
  • Maintains minutes of all meetings.
  • Reviews this charter annually and recommends changes to the board of directors.
  • Follows Association policies and procedures.
  • Establishes and maintains documentation about committee roles and procedures, including how this committee collaborates with others.
  • Communicates and collaborates with other committees and board of directors to accomplish Association goals.
  • Provides quarterly updates to the board of directors.