The Executive Committee acts as a steering committee for the full board by prioritizing issues for the full board to address.
This committee reports directly to the board of directors. Between regular meetings of the board of directors, the Executive Committee may take action on behalf of the board.
- The president shall chair the committee.
- The vice president, treasurer and secretary shall serve as members of the committee.
- The parliamentarian shall serve as a guest upon request of the president.
- The executive director shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the committee.
- Acts as specifically assigned by the board on behalf of the full board.
- May act between regular board meetings on behalf of the full board (in accordance with the bylaws).
- Meets prior to each board meeting to discuss the board agenda and any other related matters as the committee deems necessary or appropriate.
- Evaluates progress toward strategic goals and initiatives.
- Meets no fewer than eight times per year, at the call of the chair of the committee.
- Maintains minutes of all meetings, files them with corporate records and reports them to the board at each regular board meeting.
- Reviews this charter annually and recommends changes to the board of directors.
- Follows Association policies and procedures.
- Establishes and maintains documentation about committee roles and procedures, including how this committee collaborates with others.
- Communicates and collaborates with other committees and board of directors to accomplish Association goals.
Current members

Aaron Knight
HighEdWeb president

Joshua Charles
HighEdWeb vice president
Rutgers Business School

Janice Cheng
HighEdWeb secretary

Robert Heyser
HighEdWeb treasurer
Tarrant County College

Sara Clark
Executive director
Digital Collegium