- Recommends annual goals to the executive director for approval.
- Manages the budget for a regional conference event.
- Creates and implements logistical plans for a regional conference.
- Evaluates and selects social event locations for in-person events.
- Partners with venues and vendors on conference needs, in coordination with the executive director.
- Provides superior professional development.
- Develops and maintains conference website content and code.
- Manages registration and supports attendees.
- Promotes and markets the event in coordination with the Marketing and Communications Committee.
- Solicits and supports sponsors in coordination with the Sponsorship Committee.
- Coordinates and promotes call for session proposals, facilitates selection of proposals, organizes final schedule and manages day-of conference sessions.
- Coordinates with Safety, Diversity and Inclusion Committee to ensure that the event, presenters and materials are inclusive and representative of the higher education community.
- Facilitates evaluations of sessions and the regional conference to capture feedback for future planning.
- Submits an assessment after each event to the Educational Events Committee.
The committee has no expressed or implied governing power or authority. As an Association committee, the committee reports to the executive director.
- The executive director shall appoint the chair and members of the committee. The executive director will follow the volunteer recruitment process to select a chair.
- The committee may include non-director persons whose experience may assist the committee in the performance of its duties. The committee chair will follow the volunteer recruitment process and recommend members to the executive director for appointment.
2025 Colorado Committee
- Vivek Aurora, chair
- Mike Henderson, vice chair
- Sara Clark, executive director
- James Hough, program team member
- Stephanie Geyer, program vice chair
- Caroline Harrah, sponsorship coordinator
- Mark Lee, marketing and communications lead
- Madelein Lopez, registration coordinator
- Linda Relyea, attendee relations lead
- John Rogers, safety, inclusion and accessibility coordinator
- Noelle Sybert, social media coordinator
- Lallo Vigil, photo coordinator
- Zac Vineyard, program chair
2025 Pennsylvania Committee
- Chris Tomik, chair
- Charles Fulton, vice chair
- Sara Clark, executive director
- Erwin Annulysse, designer
- Kathleen Callahan, assistant executive director
- Shanida Carter, photo coordinator
- Ben Kaminsky, program vice chair
- Grace Marchena Bechtel, registration coordinator
- Shayne McGregor, platform coordinator
- Ken Newquist, sponsorship coordinator
- Sue Newquist, attendee relations lead
- James Nicnick, marketing and communications lead
- Donna Talarico, program team member
- Michelle Tarby, safety, inclusion and accessibility coordinator
- Jackie Vetrano, program chair
- Meets no fewer than 6 times per year, at the call of the chair of the committee.
- Maintains minutes of all meetings.
- Manages regional conference email inbox.
- Reviews this charter annually and recommends changes to the executive director.
- Follows association policies and procedures.
- Establishes and maintains documentation about committee roles and procedures, including how this committee collaborates with others.
- Communicates and collaborates with other committees and Association staff to accomplish Association goals.
- Provides monthly updates to the executive director through the committee chair.
- Works within the overall events model.